Monday, April 13, 2015

Delightful Delectables- Colorful Cream Cheese Icing

by Maggie Kelleher

It's dark and rainy outside today. I suppose I should expect it -- it is April -- but I miss the sunshine and could really use some color in my day. So I decided to add some of my own color to the day, with some bright and colorful cream cheese icing. 

My first real blog post for My Grandma's was a recipe for cream cheese frosting, so this feels like a bit of a throwback for me, but I had this box of mini coffee cakes to share and savor. With nine mini cakes in a box I had enough to bring to a friend's birthday and still save a few for a rainy day like today. Staring at this mini pumpkin delight I was craving the flavors of the cream cheese frosting and pumpkin cake (they go so so well together) without the heavy consistency and equipment needed for frosting, so I made a drip-able squeezable icing, instead. And I added the colors because why not?

And here's how I did it:
It took just a few ingredients, a few minutes, a blender, and some plastic bags.

1 cup powdered sugar
1/4 cup heavy cream
4 ounces of cream cheese (room temperature)
3 Tbsp water
2 tsp pure vanilla extract
Food coloring colors of your choice (try playing with these amazing color guides for specific shades)

In a blender, combine the powdered sugar, heavy cream, cream cheese, water, and vanilla extract. If it is not yet smooth enough, add a little more water until it reaches the consistency you desire (my goal was to make it pourable). Spoon into different containers and mix food coloring into each container to desired colors. To pipe: place colored icing into sandwich bags and cut off a small corner. Squeeze preferred amount onto cakes. Enjoy!

I went a little crazy with the colors, but what better way to brighten your day than with colorful little coffee cakes? I can't help but smile just thinking about it!
Celebrate with a free coffee cake and your favorite pins!
To make you smile we would like to share our cakes with you!
Enter our April Giveaway for a cake in your favorite flavor to brighten up your day! May I suggest the pumpkin spice? Engage with our Pinterest page and you can gain extra entries, what more could you ask for?Good luck! 
  a Rafflecopter giveaway

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