Thursday, August 20, 2015

It's That Time of Year Again...

By: Amy Weinberg

Back To School.


Now depending on your age, you’re either feeling one of two emotions; pure sadness or pure joy. (I’ll let you figure out which age goes with which emotion). 

Regardless of the emotion you're feeling right now, we have the perfect treat for you.

Wanna make sweet impression in school? 
Coffee cake.

Stressed about moving into college for the first time? 
Coffee cake.

Need to take your mind off (or celebrate. No judgements) your kid going away to school? 
Coffee cake.

We’re sending this one back to grad-school with a smile on her face

Not only is coffee cake the perfect anytime snack, but My Grandma's has got the tastiest deal for the kids in college.

A lot of you parents out there like to send your kid a care package every now and then. If nothing else, it’s an excuse to get them on the phone for a few minutes (it's not that we don't miss you guys, we just always forget to call!). Me? I just picked out of my friends' packages. 

Whether you normally send your college kid a snack a couple times a year, or would do anything for a little extra communication (it's not bribary if everyone comes out on top...right?) we have the deal for you! 

Let us take care of those packages for the year so you don’t even have to think twice about it. 

Choose from any of our 4 care packages and let us send your child the sweetest gift 6 times a year. We know this can be a hard time, especially for parents. Let us send out your gifts while you focus on the fun stuff!

Order online or give us a call to show your little one how much you care! 

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